Message in a Bottle
Pencil and paper Glory Hellelulya!!
Pencil and paper ARE IT! to best start to get what you want to say in, then out, of the electronic ocean into someones brain box.
Fingers off the keyboard it's a straightjacket to the brain. Start with a pencil!
Non graphical browsers excuse yourselves here.....go get the all text version..Editorial .
What do YOU
want to say?
If you don't know - how is anybody else to know?
Who do YOU
want to reach?
If you don't know who to grab what's the point of reaching out?
How to hook.
Hyperslidyinfoslip missed it can't find it - story of the Net.
Chop chop
If it's not easy swallow it's passed over.
It's a dog.
Take responsability - it's not just for Christmas.
If you want to get to grips with the rudiments of HTML try this site. I've not checked it yet as I've limited access to a modem. so don't greet if it don't work.
Alan Scott/Perth/Scotland
I would put in an e-mail address if I had one . . . there's no way I'm broadcasting my postal one.